Open Your Heart & Align to a Love
that will Effortlessly Fuel all of Your Creations

A 5 Day Online Immersion for Entrepreneurs, Influencers and Visionaries that are ready to open & devote themselves to love.

Whether you’re single, In a relationship, or yearning for one, Devotion will support you to open to a deep love that pervades your whole life & amplifies all of your creations.

But what does it require to truly devote ourselves to love?

What are we not seeing that is currently blocking us from fully opening to a union with our mission and or our beloved?

How can we devote to a vision much bigger than our personality, egoic desires and subconscious fears?

How can we expand into a greater capacity to communicate and mobilise others into action with love?

Join Abergale & Jared as they guide you on a journey of Ecstatic Liberation, Embodiment & Quantum Pleasure Technology to align you to a love that you have never known that will effortlessly fuel all of your creations.

The Devotion Experience is for Creatives, Entrepreneurs, Influencers and Visionaries that:

Are ready to leave the order of their mind and follow the wildness of their heart.

Value Growth, Energetics & Embodiment.

Are ready to let go of their fears and embody a new level of devotion in their life, relationships and their business.

Already have an operational business (This is important for the level of self responsibility that we are looking for in this particular offering.)

Have a great relationship and understanding of the energetics of money & investments.

Are done with old paradigm models of Coaching, Healing Trauma through Breakdown and Guru led personal development programs.

No longer wish to be a part of consumerism, manipulation through marketing and want to embody an energetic that speaks to the souls that they are here to support.

Ready to take full responsibility for their thoughts and actions and come into deeper alignment with their heart.

Embody a beginners mindset and are always open to growth, learning and receiving.

Believe in magic, manifestation & our limitless potentiality.

Ready to release any subconscious beliefs that are blocking the fullest, purist expression of their heart.

Ready to open to a love for yourself you have never known and to revel in the magic and celebration of yourself every damn day.

Ready to release any subconscious blocks around the masculine and feminine and experience a harmonious, integrated relationship with yourself and your beloved.

Ready to activate more passion, energy and aliveness and experience a life of limitless potential.

Prosperity is directly connected to commitment both in your relationships and your business


⊹ An invigorating certainty in yourself.

⊹ A greater capacity to communicate and mobilise others into action with love.

⊹ Tools to support you to hold an unwavering commitment to your vision.

⊹ An upgraded energetic that will expand your capacity for impact.

⊹ An ignited hunger, passion & trust in your mission.

⊹ A rich, respectful & fulfilling relationship with yourself.

⊹ Awakening of passion and desire that most powerfully directs your purpose and creations.

Are you ready

to live in union and let love
fuel all of your business endeavours?

Embody an energetic that speaks much louder than any business plan or ‘strategy’

abergale Bremner & Jared Grantham

about us

Together we are Limitless Love. A 7 figure Self Leadership business, Abergale & Jared facilitate workshops, programs and international retreats fusing ancient and modern western modalities. Limitless Love specialises in Embodiment, Somatic Modalities, Vocal Activation, Breathwork, Sexuality & Quantum Technology to create cellular transformation. We created Devotion to free Entrepreneurs that have become slaves to their business and a martyr of influence and that are unfufilled in their intimate relationships. 

5 Day online immersion facilitated via Zoom

Private Facebook group for communication, pre and post integration

Quantum modalities & rituals to support embodiment & integration

60 minute Integration Zoom call with Jared & Abergale 1 weeks post experience

Intimate Support pods

I get asked to speak and support for a lot of different events, and very few of them are an automatic “yes” the way it is with Jared & Abergale. Their commitment to authenticity and growth as individuals and as a couple is inspiring to me and it is 100% exemplified in the powerful community they have curated. I’m a big fan and continued supporter of these two incredible humans.

Adam Roa

Singer / songwriter, Spoken word poet, Author - founder of CREATE & the Art of choosing love

I have experienced Abby and Jarad’s relationship to be devotional, aligned and ever evolving. They are two extremely self responsible humans who are always willing to look at their own shadows rather than casting blame and shame at each other. They work very hard at clearing their hearts from anything that is not love, their minds from any limiting beliefs and their bodies from any sexual blockages. This makes them exceptional leaders who carry a strong transmission for a passionate, authentic, deeply soulful relationship. I would highly recommended them to anyone who is ready to raise the bar in their relationship or professional life.

Chantelle Raven

Founder of The Embodied Awakening Academy

Abergale and Jared are a true testament to their business name Limitless Love, they are the embodiment of love in all areas of their lives, within their relationship, and in their business. I would highly recommend working with Abergale and Jared, there aren’t very many people out there as real as these two, who are willing to dredge through the mud with you. They embody what it means to have a true soul union, with extensive knowledge in relationship and sexuality through educational and tangible experience. But not only that, they have such deep genuine hearts and their love and commitment to support their clients, their community and to serve humanity is a strong drive in all that they do.

Matilda Carroll

Embodiment, Breathwork & Sacred Sexuality Facilitator Kambo Practitioner


. Live in union and let love fuel all of your business endeavours.

. Create & lead from the purity of your heart.

. Attract and/or build a sublime, passionate connection with your partner.

. Embody an undeniable energetic of devotion that will be felt by all those that experience you.

.Expand your capacity to communicate and mobilise others into action with love.

This is a no guru space
for all of those who are wild and willing.

Come and explore the Wildness of Your Heart & Expand with us through Love, Play & Pleasure.

Register now

the investment


Before joining please read the following :

. Devotion is a container that invites your full presence and participation. It is recommended that you completely clear your schedule any so that you can be fully present and engaged whole heartedly in this experience.

.  Due to the somatic and embodiment experiences that we will be facilitating if you are new to the work of self awareness, self ownership & self leadership this experience is not for you. 

. The Devotion schedule is created based on different experiences throughout the day. You will be required to fully participate in the morning rituals, the pod shares and the daily transmissions with Abergale & Jared. Please note that if you are unable to attend these live due to your time zones these sessions will be recorded. 

. Once we have an understanding of the varying time zones of those participating we will announce the schedule and will do our best to cater for as many time zones as possible. The dates however are fixed for the 17-21st of February.


The online Immersion container is 5 days total. We will be providing some pre and post support and recommend you create a few days post immersion for integration.

Feel free to email the team here: and we will get your questions answered.

This is a no frills. no bullshit, no guru space.  This is a 5 day self leadership immersion that integrates scientifically proven neuro somatic technologies alongside quantum pleasure rituals.

This is the only time we will be facilating Devotion online live and at this price point. Our in person experiences are valued at $10K USD and above.

Morning rituals, daily pods and live transmissions will be facilitated. New Dates will be announced soon. 

Whether you’re single, In a relationship, or yearning for one, Devotion will support you to open to a deep love that pervades your whole life & amplifies all of your creations.